Our new Aberdeen Curling Club swag has arrived!

I will go through it and pull out individual orders to take to league next week. Orders should have prices on them, but I haven't even dug into the boxes yet. My car is completely packed with boxes of curling club shirts, caps, hoodies, shot glasses, pens, etc.
In other words, there is a lot. So I'm on the lookout for two things. One is totes, so I can keep the gear organized and get anything that's needed relatively efficiently. The other is space. I think I will need help storing everything. Like I said, it's a lot. If you can help in either way, give me a text or call at 605-228-2617. Thank you.
Quick reminders that you can register for our bonspiel, which is Jan. 5-7 on the website. The other is our next open curl is set to be from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10. I will have a signup sheet at league next week. We need 15 people to make it worthwhile.
Good curling!