Hello Curlers,
Just a couple of end-of-year notes and information about the fast-approaching bonspiel.
If you have cash calendars you have sold (or not sold) and need to turn them in, either contact me or bring them to the bonspiel. That is the last chance, and if your calendars aren't in, the people you sold them to stand no chance of winning. We will sell any remaining calendars that weekend (Jan. 3-5) before we make our drawings.
We have at least 14 teams registered for the bonspiel, but are open to more. If you want to sneak in, do so before the weekend ends. You can register on our website. There's still a team seeking one more player. Again, contact me for more information.
As a reminder, we do have the ice Wednesday evening at the regular time — beginning at 6:30 p.m., just like league. There will be open curling/hat games, but no league games. Bring a friend and throw some stones. We will also set up our tents for the bonspiel that evening. The more hands the better.
We, of course, need volunteers for the entire bonspiel weekend, especially to work during registration, bring prizes for the ping pong toss and bring food for Saturday. There is a public Google Doc for food at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oRhs50kerrqu8HFpKenZrV47r9hd1I__WET6jHlXBTA/edit?tab=t.0. It's not complete yet, so if you signed up (on paper) and you're not on there, you will be soon.
Lastly, we have a board meeting Monday night (Dec. 30) at 6 p.m. If you want to stop by to learn about bonspiel prep, you are welcome. We meet at the McQuillen Creative/Aberdeen Insider office at 423 S. Main St. just south of the Capitol Theatre.
Wednesday is the last day you have a chance to curl before the bonspiel. League games resume on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
FYI, there will be another email coming out in the next few days that is bonspiel-specific. Stay tuned.
Happy new year and good curling!